Questions & Answers

(Post EQ&Dyn) works perfectly fine in StudioOne but it doesn't work in Logic, any idea why?

0 votes
asked Jun 24, 2019 in Classic Mixers by andrewboynton (200 points)
I've been trying to record the processing used on my fat channel to the audio in my DAW but it hasn't been working. I contacted customer support and they told me to disable my firewall but that still didn't work. The "DIG" button works perfectly fine when I record in studio one but when I try to use it in Logic is doesn't print/save it to the vocals for some reason. I can record just fine in Logic but it will not save anything that I've done on the fat channel.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 24, 2019 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)
selected Jul 3, 2019 by AlexTinsley
Best answer

As far as I remember the "Digital" button is needed for playing back tracks to the mixer, while the "Post EQ&Dyn" button adds the Fat Channel while recording. The processed signals are sent to computer via Firewire, therefore I see no reason why Logic should not receive the processed signals. But you may want to ask this question in the closed Facebook group. There are the specialists (people using the classic mixers).

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