Questions & Answers

Sustain pedal from time to time ' strangles ' piano sound on play back , but it works fine while normal playing ?

0 votes
asked May 1, 2020 in Studio One 4 by guydallyn (160 points)
Hi everyone, my sustain works fine during playing but on playback/recording the sound is 'strangled' and often staccato instead of the original smooth legato performance. Reading through I see I am not the only one> If anyone has a magic solution not yet listed , please tell  Thanks  Guy

2 Answers

0 votes
answered May 3, 2020 by B4time (510 points)
Not sure if this is your issue but worth checking. If I forget to disable input quantize when recording a piano track, the resulting playback will horribly accentuate the deficiencies of my timing . With IQ  set to something like 1/32, the timing issues sound like  little weird glitches. IF IQ  is set to 1/4, the source of the prob is obvious.  Turning off IQ fixes it in a  hurry but of course the parts have to be rerecorded. I don't think IQ can be undone. I know now to always check for it, but the first few times I didnt realize what the cause was and trashed a few projects.

Good luck!
0 votes
answered May 3, 2020 by guydallyn (160 points)
Thanks  for the  answer, it wasnt the Quantize , but I appreciate your help