Questions & Answers

Please fix and add these items

+2 votes
asked Jul 5, 2019 in StudioLive Series Feature Requests by thomasweber2 (170 points)
in uc uc surface.   would it be possible to make it more user friendly to link any consecutive flex mixes to the master L/R for subs L/R, as well as be able make your own crossover points for the mains and subs not to mention to be able to slave the volume of the subs to the mains And place this in the setting page that you chose L/R or LCR

as well as make a button to make matrix mixing possible  or to help clarify how to get to its

would it also be possible to be able to pinch zoom in and out for individuals needing to mix off of their phones.  along w double tap the first channel to access the fat channel and/or channel settings.  

a feature yamaha has thats cool maybe you can check into would be to make a one knob protocol for those who dont know all the ins and outs of eq compression gate limiting etc.. just have different options available.  

the color coding needs to be brighter and over the entire bottom scribble strip not just the name portion.
a touch calibration for the device within the app would be very nice and useful as well as a touch calibration on the physical Console as well.  

make it possible for the Studio Live 32SC and the series III rack mixers to cascade or just have the ability to run the full 64×32 + Masters

and lastly.  make the fat channel section in UC surface be able to swipe l to r just like the channels do but individually from the channels.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 5, 2019 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)
selected Jul 5, 2019 by AlexTinsley
Best answer

You should make single feature requests with the request mentioned in the headline (e.g. "Please add the one-knob-protocol to the Series III mixers "). Otherwise nobody knows what to vote for in particular.

It may also be that some requests or similar requests are already listed and voted for. You can always add a detail, if you like.

One of your feature request is not really feasible: The SL 62S is the only 64-channel mixer, all other (except 16R) are 32-channel mixers. It has been said officially that the SL mixers will never be cascadable. But it is possible to use 32 flex mixes: 16 outputs at FOH and 16 outputs on stage. Another possibility is to use 32 flex mixes via AVB network only.
