Questions & Answers

My Faderport 16 and my tracks are changing the volume randomly and I've never automated the volume

+1 vote
asked Jul 24, 2019 in Studio One 3 by plmusic (230 points)
I have a podcast and have 4 tracks total.  The volume for 3 of the tracks keeps adjusting from Unity to +6.7 at random places.  I keep bring the fader down and it just goes back up again a little later.  I have checked the automation and it seems to be set right plus I didn't add any automation to the tracks.  Why is it doing this?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 15, 2021 by sv18 (230 points)
****, did you ever figure this out? I'm having the same issues now and don't have a clue what it is.

(ioSTATION24c and studio one volumes just keep going up on it's own on every cannel) Help!?