Questions & Answers

Why does my Faderport volume affect the Panning on that channel seemingly randomly? FIGURED OUT

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asked Dec 25, 2023 in FaderPort 2018 by brianornduff (120 points)
edited Dec 25, 2023 by brianornduff
I've searched though about this, and I found a question about this issue from 2017, but it didn't conclude with an answer. I just received the Faderport v2. When I am on a track and for example, push the slider up, the volume will go appropriately, but the panning on that channel will go left or right randomly.

EDIT. To add that I'm using Studio One 5 Artist if that helps.

If anyone has an answer to this, I very much thank you. I keep having to go into the DAW and fixing the pan level anytime I adjust the volume. I appreciate any time someone can give me on this issue.

EDIT 2. I guess my Faderport had been added twice to my "External Devices" section. Deleting one of those duplicates fixed the problem. I'm not sure how it caused the issue, but deleting one fixed the problem.