Questions & Answers

Are there plans to add Arturia midi controllers to the integrated keyboard list in Studio One Pro 4.5?

+21 votes
asked Aug 11, 2019 in Hardware Integration / Remote Control by daleeckart (260 points)
I am looking to buy an Arturia Keylab MkII 61 controller, but don't see any Arturia hardware in the Studio One Pro 4.5 integration list. Are there any plans to add those in the future?

5 Answers

+3 votes
answered Aug 21, 2019 by lisarowe (3,830 points)

hi there.  this might help: 

I just bought a Keystep 32 and hunted around for info.  Turns out they're all there, just hidden.

: )

+2 votes
answered Sep 4, 2019 by adasmic (640 points)
The Keylab 61 MKII is currently not working 100% in Studio One 4.5,  the problem resides with the plugin feedback that Arturia's synths provide the Keylab, it doesn't consistently work without a workaround.  I've been working with Arturia to fix it's current state and am hoping that they develop a script so we can use it natively in Studio One.  Fingers Crossed..

The keyboard does work otherwise, the plugin feedback is the only thing that appears broken.  However, that integration is one of the main reasons to use the Keylab MKII and I think Arturia realizes that.
+3 votes
answered Sep 27, 2019 by jimjarosik (230 points)
Pushing this...hoping integration would include the ability to control Presence and other Studio One Instruments with Arturia Keylab products...I have the Essential 49.
+2 votes
answered Jul 25, 2021 by anthonybeebout (190 points)
So it's been 2 years since this post.  The video below is for a PC. Even following the process, I am not getting the expected functionality from my keyboard.  There are also critical steps missing in this how-to; such as the presumption that everyone's midi setups and controller names are all the same - they're not and that only lends to confusing newbies.  Nonetheless, it's been two years and Arturia is still not listed in the list of external devices.  Why?  Will this change?  Am I missing something or not seeing a solution that is staring at me in the face?  Please advise.  Thanks!  Anthony
+2 votes
answered Apr 1, 2023 by patrickoreilly1 (480 points)

Almost 4 years since the original post and still not 1 Arturia device listed in Studio One. The above screenshot is taken from Logic Pro 10.7.5. I have to say having used Studio One as my main DAW for 8 years (currently own Studio One 6), bought ERIS Speakers, Atom SQ controller (both returned due to quality issues) made multiple movie soundtracks, released an EP. I think I may have to move back to Logic Pro to release my upcoming Album.

Given there is no indication or updates of where Fender will take Studio One next it feels like the community has been forgotten. I can understand why the owners sold it. It is a shame as it has so much potential.
