Questions & Answers

How do I drag pads in Impact (like in NI Battery)

+1 vote
asked Jan 10, 2016 in Studio One 3 by Scoox (17,270 points)
recategorized Jan 13, 2016 by Scoox

In NI Battery it's possible to reorder pads by simple drag-and-drop. This makes creating drum kits very easy. Here I suggest a possible implementation:

  • Swap (Drag without modifiers): Drag one pad onto another pad with the left mouse button to swap the two pads
  • Duplicate (Ctrl+Drag): Copies pad to another location, whilst preserving the source pad.
  • Move (Shift+Drag): Moves pad to new location and clears previous location.

Thank you!


2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 13, 2016 by DominicB (17,160 points)
selected Jan 13, 2016 by Scoox
Best answer

Currently in Impact you can: 

Duplicate (Ctrl + Drag): Copy one pad to another

Swap (Shift + Ctrl + Drag): Swaps one pad with another pad




0 votes
answered Jan 13, 2016 by Scoox (17,270 points)

I'm terribly embarrassed but I swear I tried every modifier combination before I posted this. It is possible one of my Autohotkey scripts was playing up, I'll have to keep an eye on those, thanks a lot DominicB!

PS: I've edited the original question so it's no longer a feature request.
