Questions & Answers

USB not connecting on my AudioBox 1818vsl

0 votes
asked Aug 15, 2019 in AudioBox USB by tiffanyhoward (120 points)
My AudioBox 1818vsl was just working (after having been repaired) and then we went to use it today and only get a steady red light on the USB sync. We have changed usb cables, powered off and on, tried different computer with universal control and we only get a steady red light whenever we plug it in.

Any thoughts?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 5, 2019 by midicordinola (140 points)
como instalar  audio box con Mac mini i7 - 2018

le he descargado el ultimo Driver a la interfaces para Mac OS catalina y la Mac  mini la tengo actualizada con el macOS Catalina.

pero no abre la consola para poder usar la audiobox y de paso q solo funciona el primer canal.
0 votes
answered Nov 22, 2022 by earlmclean (170 points)
Unfortunately Presonus made not that great of product.... I have the same issue after using universal controller to update the hardware and b4 that working fine and with multiple Daws.

This product was overhyped and had bugs from start until discontuation. It's because of this that I bought other preamps and software  from other vendors