Hey there everyone!
recently I bought a 2nd hand MacBook Pro 13" Retina from 2014 (further specs would appear at the end of the post)
I also own a USB version of the AudioBox 1818vsl and used it just fine without any problem with my old MacBook unibody from 2008
after resetting my new MB and installing cubase 9, I used Cubase just fine with the built in audio interface, and when using the AudioBox for the 1st time, the audio won't stop chopping no matter what, I even raised the buffer size to 1024 just for checking, but nothing, it still work just fine with the built in audio.
what can I do? maybe its the OSX Mojave? maybe the fact that now I use USB3 ports?
didn't use any driver (since its a Mac )
some specs :
intel i5 2.6 CPU
8gb DDR3 RAM
OSX Mojave 10.14.4