Questions & Answers

Why does my 1818VSL Audio Interface works on my desktop but NOT on my laptop?

+1 vote
asked May 6, 2022 in AudioBox VSL Series by davidberard (130 points)
Hey guys, I'm going out of my mind right now.

I've bought a brand new laptop yesterday to start recording at my jam space (more specifically drums). So I bought at the same time on Marketplace a used Audiobox 1818VSL.

I've tested it on my desktop at home, works like a charm.

I've installed S1 v5 Artists on my new laptop (same as on my desktop), I also have installed the proper drivers (again, same as on my desktop).

But after 3 hours of trying and failing, I can't make the 1818VSL works on my laptop. My small  Audiobox USB with 2 ports works fine on it though. When I check in the Device Manager (Windows 11), the driver for 1818VSL have an exclamation point in front of the driver's name and the small audio interface doesn't have the same name but load properly.

Any reason why the 1818VSL won't work with a brand new laptop?