Questions & Answers

How do I connect my Mooer GE-300 to Studio One 4 in order to use it as an interface?

0 votes
asked Aug 25, 2019 in Studio One 4 by zacharyharman (160 points)
I have tried to go to the Mooer website, review the manual and download the driver which is needed to run the program connected to the GE-300 however when I try to open the ASIO driver (I believe, this all seems a little "greek" to me) it simply states that the program cannot be opened with Studio One. I have tried several times to no avail. All I want to do is use my settings and tones that I have created to record guitar tracks! Help!

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Aug 29, 2019 by Jamesrhone1 (200,340 points)
Best answer
Not familiar with that device. But some devices may not have a legit ASIO driver.

Please contact the manufacturer of the Mooer and find out if they have tested this device specifically with the Studio One demo. They may be able to provide setup instructions.

Otherwise, you can try a different Windows driver for the Mooer. Please download and install ASIO4all and test to see if this makes a difference. Presonus in no way supports ASIO4all, but I have seen it help in situations when a device does not have its own ASIO driver, or is using Windows audio.

An ASIO driver provides a low-latency and high fidelity interface between a software application and a computer's sound card.

Make sure to install the ASIO4all offline settings, so you can enable the audio device in the ASIO4all interface.

Then open Studio One > Options > Audio Setup and choose ASIO4all.  Start a new song in Studio One. Then in Song > Song Setup > Audio I/O setup, add your channels for input and out.

Also, you can contact the manufacturer and find out if they have tested this device specifically with the Studio One demo. They may be able to provide setup instructions.