Questions & Answers

How do I connect my StudioLive 1602 USBMixer to use with Studio One 4 in DAW Mode?

0 votes
asked Mar 4, 2020 in Classic Mixers by jayjimerson (150 points)
Can't connect to PC via USB. No network connection on mixer.  I want to use it more as a  control  surface with Studio One 4.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 5, 2020 by AlexTinsley (925,350 points)
Best answer

The StudioLive 1602 USB (and older StudioLive 1394/FireWire) mixers do not have a DAW Mode. 

You can create a new session in Studio One and select the StudioLive 1602 as your interface to load a session with correctly routed audio. 
