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Add support for third party Note FX

+244 votes
asked Aug 31, 2019 in Instruments and Plug-Ins by marcora (2,890 points)
(e.g., Cthulu, Instachord, Captain Plugins or any other plugin that sends out midi)

It would be fantastic if, instead of dealing with unncessary routing from one track to another, to allow third party plugins that send out MIDI data to be added in a Note FX slot on the same track where the midi is used to control the instrument that the track is pointing to. See Logic Pro X for an example.


25 Answers

+15 votes
answered Jan 22, 2020 by cyrilcalmes (470 points)
Good point ! Not only arpeggiators, but also midi FX utilities like CC mapping or Channel mapping... They are really missing !!!
+4 votes
answered Feb 23, 2020 by ansolas (4,250 points)
Thats how the notemapper should work :
+4 votes
answered Apr 17, 2020 by Scoox (17,130 points)

+1 I would also use this feature

+4 votes
answered May 19, 2020 by andreashernitscheck (900 points)
Yes please. Currently I see no way to send midi to different channels, eg to split keyboard (without using multi instruments with multiple Kontakt instances).
+9 votes
answered Jun 24, 2020 by robertgray3 (42,810 points)
The more I think about this the more wisdom I see in doing this through a NoteFX "External Plugin" module this way. It allows you to render things more easily, do it pre-or-post, all sorts of cool stuff. Since things like Pluchain accomplish this by having configurations optimized for the popular midi note processors I almost wonder if we could go the same route, except whatever mapping needs to be done maybe allow the user to do it. It is frustrating how Pluchain only works with a couple plugins, but at the same time I guess I wouldn't want a giant list to wade through of plugins that might have no positive (or even a negative effect) being used in the NoteFX chain.
+3 votes
answered Nov 7, 2020 by alejandrosuazo (1,040 points)
Absolutely important function. All the people dream with analog gear, and a step sequencer as Note FX are so much important to get real analog stile sequences. Arpegiator and Repeater in Studio One are so basic and poor, we need to insert a Cthulhu, Cream or any other big step sequencer with a lot of CC controls in a separate MIDI track, that have a big issue with timing inside the Studio One. Please, make third party note FX compatibility or make a new and big Analog Step Sequencer as a NEW Note FX inside the Studio One. Thanks.
+4 votes
answered Nov 8, 2020 by robertgray3 (42,810 points)
I don't know if I'd call the built in Arpeggiator "poor", the biggest real gap is that it lacks Retrigger options. I'd probably use it for 90% of my arpeggiating if it had that since rendering NoteFX is so user friendly.

Still think this is a great idea though.
+8 votes
answered Dec 13, 2020 by pascalwinterle (1,670 points)
Thats a really needed feature! I think this should be possible to both Audio and Midi Tracks. See Reaper for a great example in this way. There you have 2 Places to put ANY FX. For Midi and audio.
+13 votes
answered Dec 29, 2020 by billsaunders1 (510 points)
Absolutely needed - Scaler 2 is becoming hugely popular and at present we have to route from one track to another. If you have five instances of Scaler in a song, that’s 10 tracks instead of five.
+5 votes
answered Jan 19, 2021 by nicolasalba (1,720 points)
Great request. Logic pro does it this way... you can choose from one of the built-in note effect modules but also from external options. It would be super convenient and space saving.
+5 votes
answered May 2, 2021 by adrienperinot (460 points)
One more vote from me. It is a must have functionality. I want to be able to use advanced sequencers / arps / euclidean generators / random generators. :)
+5 votes
answered Jun 6, 2021 by HopTzop (3,140 points)
This would be really amazing!

Right now it's a hassle using midi effects like Cthulhu and arpeggiator inside Studio One 5 is buggy, I even made a ticket about it like almost a year ago, but hasn't been fixed.

Please, make this happen. It would save a lot of time and wouldn't get you out of the zone of creation process.
+3 votes
answered Jun 9, 2021 by nicootten (1,140 points)
+1  would be the time for a proper update on the note fx section(bitwig,reaper,logic and reason  having a lot more and better options than the 4 notefx plugins in S1)
+4 votes
answered Jun 20, 2021 by philippebardyn (270 points)
I second this request . Using scaler or reason rack note fix , in the track is a must. Another way would be also to have midi routing within multi instruments
+4 votes
answered Jun 29, 2021 by flosssmith (380 points)
Great request. DAWS like Logic & LUNA have this feature. This is a much needed feature in Studio One. Along with a Drum Bus effect and an updated Impact.
+3 votes
answered Oct 2, 2021 by lucasorthmann1 (640 points)
+1 from me, this would be a very welcome and helpful feature!
+2 votes
answered Dec 7, 2021 by valentinosciacca1 (8,400 points)
Got my vote! Looking forward to see this feature implemented soon!
+3 votes
answered Jan 17, 2022 by btkkykzt (1,670 points)
A must have feature! By adding this one, you will greatly improve our workflow.
Please, PreSonus!
+1 vote
answered Jan 24, 2022 by quinty (900 points)
Totally agree! It gets so cluttered with additional tracks with the notes FX plugins that are routed to the instrument plugin.
In Bitwig it's possible to just put the note FX before the actual instruments. Whether this gets sorted through the current Note FX route like the included note FX (Arpeggiator, Repeater) in Studio One or through adding the note FX plugin before of the actual instrument on the channel (could be done at the multi-instrument page?), this would be a huge step forward!

I do not understand why this is not made more intuative before as Studio One should be the "drag and drop" oriented, easy to use DAW.
+2 votes
answered Mar 8, 2022 by andrei_tuduran (540 points)
This feature will bring lots of possibilities!

+1 vote
answered Sep 12, 2022 by ansolas (4,250 points)
I wonder what the reason is why this wasnt build in right from teh beginning. What is teh advantage of notefx over midi fx plugins ?
+2 votes
answered Oct 30, 2022 by efege (610 points)
My vote here!! Very good feature to add!
+1 vote
answered Nov 23, 2022 by arranger (370 points)
i would love this feature!
0 votes
answered Nov 14, 2023 by Evdog (1,440 points)
Surprised this still isn't available in Studio One 6 when many other DAW's have had it for a while now
0 votes
answered Aug 3 by AlonsoJoaquin (1,970 points)
Omg yes, just imagine the possibilities!