Questions & Answers

How to 'Learn' control surface buttons for GuitarRig5 plugin within Studio One 4.5?

0 votes
asked Sep 10, 2019 in Studio One 4 by lesfuller (180 points)
Hi, new to Studio One (moved from Ableton). Trying to trigger Guitar Rig 5 plugin's Loop Machine while recording guitar audio. I have modified a Korg nonoKontrol2 (listed in SO External devices list) and added large foot switch buttons to trigger. When in Guitar Rig 5 stand alone, I can right click on the Start/Stop button, and select 'Learn'. Then stomp on the n-Kontrol footswitch and it becomes the trigger - all good. But when I load the Rig 5 into Studio One, although the 'Learn' selection appears, it does nothing - I can't learn that n-Kontrol2 button. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

Oh, I use windows 10, 64-bit, Intel Core i7 4790 @ 3.60GHz, 16gb ram, SSD HD, Studio One 4.5, Presonus AudioBox 96.


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 12, 2019 by lesfuller (180 points)
OK, I've sorted it out. For anyone else trying to get nanoKontrol2 to be a guitar trigger for loop machine in Guitar Rig 5 inside Studio One 4.5 - I found the only way I could link the nK2 was to click the Settings cog symbol in GR5, select the GR5 Loop Machine button to be triggered, then drag the Hand symbol to the nanoKontrol2 Mapping panel and onto the controller required - perfect! Hope that helps somebody, but maybe common sense to S1 users already!