Questions & Answers

run loopbazaar (beatcraft) as plugin in Studio One 3

0 votes
asked Nov 9, 2017 in Studio One 3 by klaaskloppenburg (440 points)
edited Nov 9, 2017 by klaaskloppenburg
I can see LoopBazaar in my vst instruments browser, but dragging it to a track results in an empty instruments window. Anyone an idea as to a solution?

update: reinstalling the plugin and rebooting did the trick. Thanks for the suggestions Presonus Support!

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Nov 9, 2017 by lawrencefarr (221,510 points)
Best answer

We downloaded and ran it as VST 3 in OS X ElCapitan and Windows 10 in Studio One 3.5.2 and it loaded and displayed fine.  We don't know what OS you're on or what version of Studio One you're using or what version of the plugin you're using, VST 2 or 3, so we can only suggest the following...

-  Try using the VST3 version if you haven't already.

-  Reboot your system to see if it shows up after that.

-  Make sure your firewall isn't blocking Studio One for the net, if it needs that to work correctly.

-  Make a support ticket with Beatcraft about it.  Given that they sell the loops it uses they should be willing to assist.