Questions & Answers

1810c still no output signals

0 votes
asked Sep 20, 2019 in Studio Series USB Interfaces by falkolenke (300 points)



i have still not an Signal on Output 3/4 or out 5 (Mono).

1/2 is on my monitor - sounds great.

3/4 to my Hardware signal

5 out Mono to my Filterbank

 I´m using Cubase 10 Pro. First weeks i needed to click on "mute" on the Output channels in Universal Control and Need to click it again to hear the Output. This is really strange.

But now only Signal on 1/2, not on the other Outputs.

Can someone help me please? I have no Solutions.

 It is really pitty that is no support or direct contakt to Presonus peoples.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Sep 20, 2019 by edramsey (2,190 points)
Hi. Have you tried a "mixer bypass" in UC (you get to it through the gear icon). That takes UC out of the picture entirely and you are only working with hardware. That might help you figure out what you are wanting. It took me several weeks to understand and flow with the relationship between UC and the interface. Have you opened a ticket with Presonus? They should be able to walk you through whatever you need. Also, I have posted other answers about the 1810 in the forums. You might want to search for them. Good luck! Blessings. -Ed