Questions & Answers

closed Saver User Layout

0 votes
asked Sep 28, 2019 in StudioLive Series III by michler (140 points)
closed Sep 29, 2019 by michler
Is it possible to save the user layout in a project or scene or user profile? I tried to save and reload the scene, than the project, than the user, but the user layout was empty after loading.

Using Studiolive 32SX 2.1.16232

Thank you for the answer. I just changed to series iii, so I did not focus on saving the project separatly.
closed with the note: Works, saving the project.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Sep 28, 2019 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)

Yes, of course it's possible! I just recalled a project/scene from earlier this year, which i remembered to have three DCA groups on User layer, and it recalls the settings exactly the way as they were stored. You need to make sure that all "filters" are activated, when loading a project and a scene. All buttons left and right should be blue... ;-) It also makes sense to store and recall project and scene separately. The User layer belongs to the project "User Functions".
