Questions & Answers

Studio One Remote on iPad Air does not find Studio One Pro Application on WiFi Network

0 votes
asked Sep 29, 2019 in Studio One 4 by nathancarlton3 (430 points)
Hello, I have Studio One Pro running on my MacBook Pro OSX 10.14.1 connected to my WiFi network and my iPad Air with iOS 12.2 connected to the same WiFi network. On the iPad when I launch Studio One Remote and touch the Scan button there are no instances to connect to.... I can only run in demo mode. No error messages. I've tried disconnecting and reconnecting to the WiFi network, quitting and relaunching the desktop application and the iPad Remote app. Nothing shows for me to connect to.... Ideas?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 29, 2019 by nathancarlton3 (430 points)
Best answer

Found the answer! Open Studio One and go to Studio One>Preferences>General>Network and check the box to "Allow remote control apps to discover this DAW.  

It's the last step in this article, but I tried it first. :) 
