Questions & Answers

SW5E loosing connections

0 votes
asked Oct 1, 2019 in SW5E - AVB Switch by joehamilton3 (150 points)
I have multiple room where we are using SW5E switches installed to connect Biamp Tesira DSP units to Biamp Beamtracking microphones.  We are constantly having to power cycle the switch because the mic and processor are losing connection.  Is there a solution?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Oct 3, 2019 by jonnydoyle (403,420 points)
Best answer

Ensure you SW5E is fully up to date. 

Please see the following link to update your SW5E unit.


0 votes
answered Sep 22, 2021 by andrewbole1 (140 points)
Hi Joe,

Did you resolve the issue?
