Questions & Answers

Noises and crackles in Studio One 4 Pro

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asked Oct 2, 2019 in Studio One 4 by alessandrosiqueira (160 points)


Here with a noise problem regarding mainly heavier graves and appropriately 808 within Studio One 4 PRO, we have already eliminated several pirated plugins to include the few and indexed ones that people indicate, but it is not in all productions that these noises and crackles happen. But a few months / there is no data regarding the tombs being played back with stock, when these effects are started and only within the program, you hear a heavy trap here in the player and watch movies and everything and nothing comes from these noises and yards. , until today we have tested with Kontakt open separately, only with 808 and no problem, so my monitor speakers are broken, then used for the M-Audio BX8 D2 and an M-Track Plus. Using a Dell 15R Windows 7 64, 16G Memory, 1T HD and 4 Generation i7 Processor. There is already a USB port, cable or cable already installed and reinstalled or M-Audio Drive and it is not advanced. Already uninstalled some plugins and still persists, but it is something that comes and suddenly and stops. If you have any suggestions thank you. Hug! 

NOTE: What is being suggested here I have been testing and has not solved my case.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 7, 2019 by jimsutherland (860 points)
try all possible buffer sizes in your audio setup