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View Parts and Score in separate windows

+19 votes
asked Jan 17, 2016 in Notion Feature Requests by michaelmyers1 (4,750 points)
I was working today with parts for the first time.  I think there needs to be a way to view parts and score in separate windows, instead of jumping to the menu and switching between them in a single view.  It would be much more convenient to move from part to score to another part in separate view windows to work.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jun 18, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,570 points)
Best answer

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0 votes
answered Jan 18, 2016 by martinkutschker (3,040 points)

You mean something like a main Notion window that stays in full score mode, with a number of floating part windows? Interesting idea.

What will happen with the parts shown separately in the full score? This is what I can imaging right now:

  • they are hidden
  • they are greyed out
  • they are shown in reduzed size (say 50%)

But actually I thought the parts view only to be useful for printing out the notes for a single instrument. To make it more useful I brought up this idea: option to show the melody staff in dynamic parts

Just in case separate windows are not an option for the developers I filed a related idea: option to show more than one staff staff in dynamic parts (reduced score)
