Questions & Answers

Serial Number doesn't work

+8 votes
asked Oct 23, 2019 in AudioBox USB by jarredwheeler (360 points)

I have tried to install my new AudioBox USB 96 and can not. The serial number (found in three different places... box, instructions, and bottom of product... all the same) isn't long enough. it says that the number should be between 20-28 characters but the one I have is only 10 characters.

I have seen on the community forum here that this is a recurring problem.....has happened to a lot of people..... for years

I have been in touch with customer support and received a message asking for more information. the message was sent at 4:50 am and I complied with the request, sent the picture of the serial number and have not got a response all day. 

Either try to fix my problem or tell me to return it.

after reading the post on this forum and dealing with customer support … I guess my question is this....

How can a company that can't seem to send out a product with the right serial number/product key continue to make money and not be taken apart by bad reviews? 

not to mention such bad customer service. 

Having vented my frustration I must say... perhaps I have over looked something simple. Maybe, just maybe, there is something that slipped past me and I'm doing something wrong. If that is the case, I must apologize. At this point I wont know till 4 in the morning tomorrow, I guess. 

Bottom line... 

I ordered something. It doesn't work. Customer service doesn't seem too interested in helping. If I can't use this product by tomorrow I will be returning it and warning anyone and everyone to NOT order anything from this company. For any reason. Ever. 

2 Answers

–1 vote
answered Oct 24, 2019 by PreSonuSales2 (68,140 points)

Hi Jared, sounds like you might be trying to register your piece of hardware as software.

When you click on "Register A Product", make sure to change the option to "Hardware" from the dropdown menu. See attached.

+4 votes
answered Oct 26, 2019 by jarredwheeler (360 points)
I have tried registering as hardware. That didn't seem to work. I then tried to register it as software and that didn't work. Thank you for your well thought out suggestion. I do find it interesting that I got a suggestion to fix my problem on this "forum" and only got asked to provide more information on the ticket for customer support. Interesting that I get a better response in a more public setting than in a more personal, one-on-one atmosphere. It appears that the sales team (PreSonuSales2) is more helpful than the IT department (Gary Maguire - tech support rep, Jonny Doyle - Live Sound Support Lead).

At the end of the day I just want a product that works. I don't want to have to complain, threaten, comment back and forth, provide personal information (accounts, pictures specifically from my phone, where - when- how I bought it)…. I just want the thing to work. I would just like the company I bought the product from to send out the right serial number and have the product work. Is that too much to ask?