Questions & Answers

store the export path; store the prefix when exporting sterms

+4 votes
asked Oct 24, 2019 in Hardware Integration / Remote Control by ludwigkper (210 points)
When exporting a mix Studio One does not store the path. But that would be very helpful. And it would be very helpful to be asked if Studio One shall overwrite or create a unique name. Every time I export a song I have to delete the older version or - if I forgot that - I have to delete the old version and rename the new song manually.

I do not want a prefix when exporting sterms. And since Studio One does not store this
I have to delete this option each and every time what takes a lot of time. Would be nice to have a stored option depending on the user's wishes.

In generel I think default settings are ok but the user should alweays have the option to overwrite and store them due to his needs.