Questions & Answers

Is there a plan to support the impulse MIDI controller with upgraded firmware support for HUI?

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asked Oct 28, 2019 in Studio One 4 by daboys166 (130 points)

Novation is deprecating Automap 4 server on Mac OS. See email announcement below:  Is there plans for support for impulsexx MIDI controllers with the updated firmware?

"In October Apple will release a new operating system, macOS 10.15 Catalina. Novation’s ‘Automap’ control solution will not be compatible with this imminent update and will not be updated for or supported on future operating system or software releases. There is a firmware update available for the Novation Impulse enabling control of any DAW that supports the HUI protocol directly from the hardware replacing the Automap HUI functionality. As a registered owner of an Impulse, if you are a Mac user and use Automap as part of your setup we advise that you don’t update to the latest OS before you have reviewed the changes outlined here and installed the latest firmware update."
