Questions & Answers

studio one 3 stops recording

–1 vote
asked Jan 21, 2016 in Studio One 3 by fmpstudios (110 points)
Once i start recording after maybe 2 minutes or 15 minutes it will randomly stop recording. no specific place on the grid, its very random.

3 Answers

–1 vote
answered Jan 21, 2016 by AlexTinsley (925,570 points)
This could be a couple of reasons:

- Your audio block size / buffer is set too low, the system cannot handle the playback, try increasing buffer size

- Your hard drive is too slow, system cannot cache enough memory on the drive to handle larger projects. Be sure to be using 7200 RPM SATA Drives or SSD Drives. Consider using a separate hard drive that is just for audio recording. Using a system drive can create problems with larger sessions and can be especially problematic if drive is near or at capacity.

- Audio start and stop may also mean the device driver is not communicating correctly, reload your device driver for your audio interface.
0 votes
answered Jan 23, 2017 by diegoabrahamolveramendoza (190 points)

My particular case.

I changed the mode of my USB AudioBox to "Secure" (before it was in "Standard") and the block size in Studio One Artist increased to 800 samples.

With this setup I recorded 1 hour and 15 minutes.

Try to change the mode of your interface with the Universal Control.

My HDD is an internal Seagate Samsung  5400 RPM SATA III, 6Gb/s

0 votes
answered Jan 16, 2018 by kcekce (140 points)
Uncheck "Exclusive Mode" in audio settings.