Questions & Answers

Sounds aren't activating despite following the directions

+1 vote
asked Nov 1, 2019 in Notion by mikeradice1 (160 points)
Yes, I checked the questions first, and I did what was suggested:  I downloaded the sound bundles into the Notion file program.  I opened each bundle, and they are in c:....Notion/sounds/bundled.  Yes, I activated the licenses.  Yes, I went to File, Preferences, Audio, and chose the right file.  I still don't have sound, and yes, it isn't my machine.  Thanks for your help.

1 Answer

–1 vote
answered Nov 21, 2019 by santiagochio (160 points)
Yo tengo el mismo problema y aunque seguí los mismos pasos, al momento de hacer doble clic en el plugin, me aparece un aviso que me dice que no se encuentra instalado el plug -in play, y al momento de ir al gestor de plug-ins, este está vacío y no encuentro cómo instalarlo