Questions & Answers

New Faderport16 won't stay on

–1 vote
asked Nov 2, 2019 in FaderPort 16 by jtcothran (110 points)
My brand new Faderport 16 won't stay on when I push the power button. Im pretty sure the button is supposed to click down when pushed but it doesn't. When you push the button it will stay down and the device will power on, you can even hold Select for Ch. 1 & 2 to choose the mode you want but you have to hold the power button down to do so. Doing so I can even navigate all the way to Mardi Gras mode and the unit will run through the program, but as soon as you release the power button faderport turns off. When you select HUI mode all of the screens go blank and then again as soon as you release the power button faderport turns off. Pretty sure I just picked up a defective unit but any help will appreciated. Also, I believe all of the latest drivers and firmwares should've been downloaded when I downloaded Universal Control. I there were further instructions to complete the update, I have not done them..

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 6, 2020 by nickmaggio (26,660 points)
youll want to get with Support for a repair.