Questions & Answers

Plugin "grid" in mix console

+44 votes
asked Nov 6, 2019 in Mixing by christianschmid1 (2,160 points)
It would be great to have some sort of fixed "grid" in the mix console so you could leave some space between plugins. For example you could leave a blank space between different splits or separate different plugin chains visually.

Another great use would be to put all your channelstrips in one fixed slot (let's say slot number 3) on each and every track in the whole mix. You could then select all the channels and click bypass on one channelstrip to bypass all of them for every track.

6 Answers

+7 votes
answered Nov 21, 2019 by dariosalvado (790 points)

I am waiting that for years.... llorando This is a very important thing.

+5 votes
answered Nov 29, 2019 by nicolasprovost (510 points)
Waiting for it too !
+3 votes
answered Jan 10, 2020 by BezowinZ (1,650 points)
I came searching, hoping this had already been suggested and voted up. I wish there were more of us. This would be very useful. I miss being able to bypass/enable a particular effect on a group of channels like in other DAWs from my past (Logic & Pro Tools).
+2 votes
answered Jul 21, 2020 by benreaves (11,480 points)
I didn't think I'd want this until I realized yeah, I really did. Sometimes I find myself inserting plugins I don't need and disabling them just so a whole folder's worth of tracks have their channel strips on the same row. Why not make it possible to leave space?
+2 votes
answered Aug 31, 2021 by oriolpadros (650 points)
To me this is a very critical thing for mixing professionally!
0 votes
answered Jul 9, 2022 by mattyclark (190 points)
Has this been implemented yet? This seems like a no-brainer!