There's very little way to eyeball a channel in the console and know if it's mono or stereo (a key piece of information!). Users basically have to play the audio and see whether 1 or 2 levels show up, which is far from fast & convenient - there should be a way to immediately know just from looking.
For example, in Pro Tools, there are 3 key visual cues, none of which hold true in Studio One:
- There are 2 pan dials; not 1 (a lot of people want to see this in Studio One too!).
- The meter is twice as wide.
- The meter has a clear dividing line in the middle of it.

Seeing any of these things in Studio One (or any other subtle, consistent cue that doesn't require playing the audio!) would be such a simple way to make people's lives easier.
Currently, the only workaround is to check if there's 1 or 2 inputs, but this isn't a clear or reliable distinction, and doesn't work at all for virtual instrument channels.