Questions & Answers

Where do I access Gregor's downloaded set up for the Loopback Test & Record Offset (tutorial Episode #4)

0 votes
asked Nov 9, 2019 in Studio One 4 by andrewpederson3 (140 points)
Gregor says at :55 of Episode 4... "so this is the project you'll find in the video description for download..."  I don't get it, sorry... I want to perform this test and get rolling... where do I access this and open it in StudioOne to perform the loop test?

5 Answers

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answered Nov 11, 2019 by joeman7890 (290 points)
You could probably just set this up on your own. Unless you have the same interface and outputs as he does you would need to change it anyways.
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answered Dec 5, 2019 by andrrippstein (4,250 points)
I rebuilt it myself as shown in the video.
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answered Jan 5, 2020 by williamromberg (140 points)
below the actual 4th episode video on youtube you will see "show more" a few lines down. When you click on this you will see the link a few lines down as well.. Open the link and save each file to your desktop. Open Studio One and two audio tracks. Drag and drop each file into a separate track and then you can record the Test track signal onto the loop track. I just did this and it worked. I just got Studio One and am about to learn how to use it as I have never use a DAW before. This worked for me. I didn't get Quantum but Studio 26C. It worked exactly as he explained. Lots of luck.
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answered Jul 10, 2020 by marcoscabrera (280 points)
I hear you, I have spent hrs trying to do this test and it does not work for me either.  I have seen the answer in Jan.  I would say that unless you have the same interface as he does, it will not work.  

I have done everything exactly how he does it, and no go.

Have you had luck since your post?
0 votes
answered Aug 9, 2020 by giuseppetria (1,450 points)
Hey, I've also been trying the same setup with no luck.

Can anyone help?