Questions & Answers

Can't activate Studio One 4 Prime

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asked Nov 10, 2019 in Studio One 4 by glennferguson1 (120 points)
I followed all the steps in the answer to the previous person's post, but when I click "Activate" it just keeps going back to the "PreSonus Login" window and asking me to log in again. I know I've got the email and password correct (I use a password manager and I copy the password from that, I can also log into the web site ok)

Selected - Activate my purchased version of Studio One

Product key - copied and entered

DIDN'T select - I have purchased an upgrade of Studio One

Running Windows 10 Pro (version 1903. OS build 18362.356)

16GB RAM, Intel Xeon E5-1650 @3.2GHz
related to an answer for: Can't Activate Studio One 4 Prime.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 3, 2021 by willwilkin (140 points)
Same problem for me with StudioOne 5 on trying to install it on my brand new Macbook Air --I bought this computer pretty much just to run the Audiobox 96 Studio with Studio One 5 that I also just bought.  I know I have the right username and password because I'm already logged in to but the software will not install.