Questions & Answers

How to disable "AudioBox VSL Tips" pop-up window on every startup?

0 votes
asked Jan 22, 2016 in AudioBox USB by mikelauren (220 points)

When my PC boots into the OS and load up all my drivers, the "AudioBox VSL Tips" box pops up every time even if I check the "Dont show this again" box. 

How do I disable this?


I saw this question posed in 2013, but there was no resolution.

Windows 7 SP1, ASUS P8P67 mobo, i7 2600K
22VSL  driver version

2 Answers

+2 votes
answered Jan 22, 2016 by mattcaprio (147,580 points)
selected Jan 22, 2016 by mikelauren
Best answer
You are running outdated drivers.

Download and install the v1.3 driver found here:
+3 votes
answered Apr 8, 2016 by [email protected] (320 points)

The newest driver did not work for me. Problem was still persistent.

What worked:

- type Win R. - enter %appdata% (without the quotes)

- go to presonus/audiobox vsl folder

- open the audiobox vsl xml with text-editor

- change the parameter "0" to "1" in <PARAM name="DontShowTipsAtStartup" value="0"/>


