Questions & Answers

universal control app upgraded, now my console is missing AGAIN!!!!

+1 vote
asked Nov 28, 2019 in StudioLive Series III by curranmurphy (150 points)
So i upgraded my universal control app and now my studio Live 32 doesn't come up at all in the app. can anyone help me with this. just annoying every time I follow the upgrade my studio gets shut down by this stupid app.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Nov 30, 2019 by jimmyc81 (1,960 points)
I'm having the same problem with my RML32Ai. It will work fine for awhile, then it just disappears from Universal Control. Plus, everytime there is a problem with an update, it doesn't seem like Presonus is either aware or working on a fix for the problem. It's always users saying downgrade to the old version, never anything from Presonus.
