Questions & Answers

Will Alesis Pianos, MIDI controllers, and keyboards be added to the external device setup selections?

+2 votes
asked Nov 28, 2019 in Studio One 4 by jasonmckenzie2 (160 points)

Recently I setup an Alesis VI49 Advanced 49-Key USB/MIDI Keyboard Controller in Studio One External devices. 

There currently appears to be no selection for any type of recognition related to Alesis products to be loaded for use. 

Not sure if this is related to there being no Alesis data in S1 but, I also was unable to use the sustain pedal, and several of the transport buttons until I had reinstalled/reset all of the external settings multiple times before it would recognize this feature through by 1018C interface.

Has anyone else experienced difficulty using Alesis equipment with PreSonus gear???  


3 Answers

0 votes
answered Apr 30, 2020 by byronford (210 points)
Yes! Having an related but even worse issue.  

Not only are Alesis products not in the drop-down list, S1 4.6 can't see my Alesis V25 controller at all.

Tested it by trying the online DAW at Bandlab.  Fired right up: the Alesis immediately triggered notes.
0 votes
answered Dec 23, 2020 by darrencarney1 (180 points)

Yo guys.... im on this train now too lol. I have my V25 set up like the attatched picture. Things seem to be Okay, i have to constantly RE "learn" the midi controls and keep setting it up multiple times in 1 session.... ive NEVER had this problem with any midi controller ever!

0 votes
answered Apr 9, 2021 by mikemacfarland (220 points)
I am not using Studio One, but I just bought a Quantum 2626.  My VI61 is in Device manager, shows up everywhere else, BUT, when I go to the device setup in VI Editor, the Quantum is the only available MIDI to select.  I don't know if this is a Presonus issue- like it's taking over the system and won't let anyone else's MIDI interact, or if this is a separate issue....would love any clarification anyone has!