Questions & Answers

Why does my Eris E3.5 left speaker only produce noise?

+1 vote
asked Nov 30, 2019 in Sceptre, Eris, R-Series by deanhuff (190 points)
Just installed a pair of Eris E3.5 monitors with a new turntable.  Yesterday, everything worked great.  Today, the left monitor produces no music, but produces lots of distortion noise when the music increases in volume.  The right monitor sounds perfectly fine.  I tried listening with headphones, using the headphone jack on the front of the left speaker.  Similar to what the monitors did, the headphones only played music through the right side, and either nothing or noise through the left.  I've checked and double-checked all connections, e.g., to verify none are reversed and grounding is OK.  I can't see anything out of the ordinary with the stylus.  I've checked the turntable to ensure it is level.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 16, 2020 by raymundoguzmn (170 points)
I have the same problem, when i turn up the volume a little bit more, it sounds a weird noise with the bass on the left speaker, did you solve this problem?
+1 vote
answered Nov 16, 2020 by deanhuff (190 points)
Originally, I found an article entitled "Audio Solutions Question of the Week: Why Am I Hearing Audio in Only One Channel from my A-T Turntable?". I can't seem to find it now, but it explained the tonearm balance calibration procedure in greater detail than was obvious to me when I initially set up the turntable. Once I had followed this procedure exactly, the one-channel / noise problems cleared up immediately, and the turntable and speakers have performed beautifully ever since.  The tonearm balance calibration procedure should be available somewhere.  Sorry I don't have ready access to it.