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Request to add Ampire XT Classics back to Studio Pro 5 or newer

+27 votes
asked Jul 25, 2020 in Instruments and Plug-Ins by chasepeyton (250 points)
Anyone else upset as i am they removed the Ampire XT classic in Studio One Pro 5?! I loved the "Vintage Boutique" amp head line, and was argueable one of the great amp head modelers. I would agree that did have to much choice with all the amp heads, but it was overkill to take away all but 4 amp heads, and 1 bass head. IF you guys feel the same way i do, Please share your disdain here so we can hopefully get it back, one day!

Also, feel free to share any great amp head modeling plugin's!

4 Answers

+8 votes
answered Jul 31, 2020 by Lukas Ruschitzka (261,400 points)
Best answer

Thank you for the feature request. 

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+12 votes
answered Aug 16, 2020 by johanhansson (380 points)
Adding and improving features in Studio One is always appreciated, but REMOVING ALL TWELVE 'non-state space' amp models in version 5, leaving us with just FIVE amp models instead of SEVENTEEN, is a very disappointing move by Presonus.

I have about 50 carefully crafted Ampire rig presets that I use daily, and most of these use the 'non-state space' amp models. NONE of these presets can be used in version 5, and I'm flabbergasted that Presonus expects me to just ditch all these presets and try to recreate them using the few remaining amp models, which of course doesn't work.

Since the Studio One product managers can't seem to be TRUSTED not to screw Ampire up again and again, I'm staying on Studio One 4.6 until I've found a suitable replacement for Ampire, which I now consider obsolete and killed off by Presonus.
+6 votes
answered Sep 16, 2020 by patrickmartin5 (420 points)
edited Dec 22, 2020 by patrickmartin5
The new SVT and AC30 are particularly great as they seem to add new flavours, and the others are not bad, but there were some tasty sounds in the prior Ampire.

I liked some of the older vintage sounds as they added some interesting textures that weren't easily available elsewhere...

Is there a way to keep an emulation available so that people's projects are not impacted?


I've been looking into the AmpireXT presets, and there are some that are very hard to emulate.

The good news is that I think I may have found some pedals that get close - RAT, then Big Muff.

The bad news is that if I'm right and the old presets generated harmonics differently from the state space, mathematically we'll never get a good like for like replacement.
+8 votes
answered Nov 12, 2020 by lukenyman (2,410 points)
I'm also finding it aggravating when opening 4.5 and older projects of mine - and worse - my clients in v5, to find the guitar amp sounds are missing in action.

It is time-consuming and frustrating to back-pedal to the previous version (which I thankfully kept on my mac) and work out whether to try and emulate the sounds with the new amp models - which doesn't really work so far - or to be forced to decide if the part is ready to be rended to audio, & work on the song further in v5.

Furthermore, I'm not very impressed with the replacement amps in v5. They may be more accurate versions of original amps, but it seems that there wasn't much variation in the sound in those days. The VC30, for example, has very little change in sound as the volume increases, and the eq system is confusing and not so varying either. Maybe like it was on the original, but we expect much more these days.

I much prefer the v4 Ampire. Presonus had created really interesting sounding and useful amps for making music. That's what is needed. I don't actually care if it's not exactly like the original as long as it's intuitive to use, and gives a variety of useful sound colours.

I'd like to know why Presonus has thrown out the old Ampire models, when they are usually so good at retaining compatibililty, even when they are so forward thinking.

I would love for these models to return to Studio One. They just sounded great.


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