Questions & Answers

How to manage VSTs in Studio One 4.6

0 votes
asked Dec 12, 2019 in Studio One 4 by tonyrapa (1,100 points)
edited Dec 12, 2019 by tonyrapa
Hi All!

In an earlier version of Studio One 4, I was able to manage VSTs:  specifically, there was a screen where  I was able to show/hide VST/VST3, 32Bit/64Bit, etc. I can't seem to find this screen any more (I use Artist and I have updated to 4.6). I know in 4.6 there is a spanner icon - but all that seems to do is allow you to show/hide VSts that are already shown.

Also, and possibly related, some VSTs aren't showing up - I have a custom folder for VSTs (D:\VST).

I know there is a reset button on the locations screen - I have tried that but nothing happens.

Anyway, any help will be very welcome.



2 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 12, 2019 by colinotoole (16,890 points)
selected Dec 14, 2019 by tonyrapa
Best answer
Is it the 'plug-in manager' button on the 'home' icon section of the browser?
+1 vote
answered Dec 13, 2019 by tonyrapa (1,100 points)
edited Dec 14, 2019 by tonyrapa

@colinotoole I'm at work right now... I'll check when I get home.... smiley

UPDATE: Thanks colinotoole .... I must be blind because I didn't see the home icon! But yes, on the home icon tab, there is a button where you can sort plugins by VST type and bit. Thanks again.
