Questions & Answers

Setup Studio One 4 Professional with Universal Audio Apollo Twin Duo Thunderbolt (Mac mini 2028 - OS X Catalina)

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asked Dec 18, 2019 in Studio One 4 by michaelkaune (150 points)
Hello "all together", I am changing my home-studio system. Now I am using an Mac mini 2018 - Mac OS X Catalina and want to use another audio interface.The Apollo Twin Duo Thunderbolt from Universal Audio. All woks fine, except if I want to change in Studio One the new audio interface, the list ist nearly empty for that what I need. There is no Universal Audio Apollo Twin in the list to pick up. If I create a new song, in the list of "Plug Ins" several "Apple Plugins" listed. So the connection may be okay.I hope it is possible to solve this problem. Thank you very much forwardly...Michael