Questions & Answers

Universal Control won't install in Mac OS X 10.15 Catalina

+1 vote
asked Jul 29, 2019 in UC Surface / Qmix by AlexTinsley (925,510 points)

When I go to install Universal Control for Mac OS X 10.15, I get an error that won't let me continue. 

What do I do? 

5 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 29, 2019 by AlexTinsley (925,510 points)
selected Aug 7, 2019 by jonnydoyle
Best answer

Apple has introduced a new security feature that locks down installs from "unknown" sources—software that doesn't come from their App Store. Our software can still be installed, it just takes a few extra steps. 

First, open the location where you downloaded Universal Control. 

Hold down the Control Key and then click on the Universal Control DMG file you downloaded. Alternatively: if you have a 2-button mouse, just right-click without holding the Control key. 

In the contextual menu that pops up, click "Open."

In the next screen, click "Open" again.

Note: If you just hit enter, the default selection in blue is "Cancel" and the window will close and you'll need to start over. Power Users who don't read the screen prompts may just click through without reading, not realizing that they're just canceling the install. Careful! 

The Disk Image (DMG) contains a folder with the UC Uninstaller and UC Installer Package (PKG) files. 

If you run the PKG file, you'll get this error:

To open the PKG file, hold down the Control Key and then click on the Universal Control PKG file. Alternatively, if you have a 2-button mouse, just right-click the PKG file without holding the Control key. 

In the contextual menu that pops up, click "Open."

Then the installer will open up as normal.

Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the install. 

This installation procedure may apply to other applications we make, and possibly other applications from other vendors: software, plug-ins, etc. 

PreSonus is committed to providing secure software, and we are working to resolve our software from being filtered out by Mac OS X as an unidentified developer. Mac OS X 10.15 Catalina is still in beta and is still subject to change. This KB article may not apply after the OS is fully released. 

0 votes
answered Oct 11, 2019 by djd1138 (390 points)

I just did a clean install of Catalina, and followed the instructions below. However, there's an additional block and won't install. I have two fire studio projects - I know they're discontinued and support is long gone, but they work :) 

0 votes
answered Feb 6, 2020 by buddybudsen (550 points)

I just did a clean install of Catalina, and followed the instructions below. However, there's an additional block and won't install. I have two fire studio projects - I know they're discontinued and support is long gone, but they work :) 

The workaround posted here is for the new UC, the UC 1.7.x has some other additional issue.

The reason why the old UC 1.7.6 won't install on Catalina (and later MacOSses to come) is, that the installer wants to put some files into MacOS /System/Library folder - which is considered "not best practice" since long before Mojave and the latest UC updates. And exactly this is not possible anymore since Catalina's implementation of new measures to ensure System Integrity.

I don't know how to fix this on a fresh install where the drivers were never installed and install scripts did never run, but for a freshly updated system the steps I mentioned in another Q&A did work for me:

+1 vote
answered Apr 2, 2020 by mendesjr (160 points)
Hello I need help with my Quantum that is not connecting with my MAC OS X 10.15.4, when will we have the driver version available? Thanks!
0 votes
answered Oct 4, 2020 by michaelfarnan (180 points)
I just had essentially the same problem when I upgraded to Catalina. The computer wasn't seeing my Quantum connected via Thunderbolt 2. It turns out I had to run the "Presonus Firewire Driver Installer" and that solved the problem. It would be good for Personus to change the name of the package so it's clear it's necessary for Thunderbolt interfaces as well.