Questions & Answers

How do I change all tracks to audio wave, but keeping the midi notes, and then save as an mp3 to my desktop?

0 votes
asked Jan 3, 2020 in Studio One 4 by patriciaadams1 (320 points)
I have studio 1 - 4.5.

Thank you.


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 17, 2020 by tothrec (32,280 points)
Hi Patricia,

   Studio One let's you Transform an Instrument track to an audio track and back, so I'm not sure why you are concerned about losing your MIDI notes.

Also, there is no need to convert your Instrument track into an audio track in order to export it as an MP3 (unless the tracks are using an external MIDI module/keyboard).

Open the Song menu.  Choose Export Mixdown and choose MP3 as the Format.  Set the song range selection from one of the options on the right side of the dialog.
