Questions & Answers

Installation of Spitfire Albion One

0 votes
asked Jan 8, 2020 in Studio One 4 by kenthompson2 (260 points)

I feel like a real dummy asking this but I'm having a helluva time installing Spitfire Albion One into Studio 4.  I'm new at DAWs so that explains my ignorance.  Would anyone be willing be help me out?


1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jan 13, 2020 by lisarowe (3,810 points)
selected Jan 19, 2020 by kenthompson2
Best answer
Hi Ken.  Don't know if you got sorted out yet.  Did you run Spitfire's app?  I had trouble with the update I had in early January and I think theyve fixed it now.  Download the Spitfire Audio app from their website and it will walk you through the set up process.  

Also, for Albion, you will need to install the free version of Kontakt that comes with the product.

Once that's done, you need to set up an instance of Kontakt (from the instruments tab in S1s browser) and then you will have to navigate to Albion through that.

Spitfire customer service is fantastic, though.  So if you are still having trouble, email them!

Good luck.

: )