Questions & Answers

Does the USB-C interfaces work with iPad Pro and Multitrack in GarageBand?

+2 votes
asked Jan 9, 2020 in Studio Series USB Interfaces by robertlucas (170 points)
I want to buy the USB-C interfaces to use for mobile recording on my iPad Pro 12” and also want multitrack recording so I can use four inputs or more. I cannot find info if Presonus can work with GarageBand. I know Capture Duo does but I need more than two channels. I don’t have money yet for a new laptop or MacBook to use Studio One but I have iPad Pro with GarageBand, though it would be nice if a version of Studio One was available for iOS and a full version of Notion that works with iPad. (Hint hint Presonus)

5 Answers

0 votes
answered Mar 5, 2020 by AlexTinsley (925,510 points)
Best answer

Yes. Studio C Series interfaces all work with iPad Pro. 

Actually they work with Android devices with USB-C ports as well. 

Most of our USB Audio products work with all varieties of iPads and iPhones using an available camera connection kit that converts the iOS device connector from 30 Pin or Lightning to USB. 

Just remember to grant permission to the microphone when prompted by iOS or your audio input won't work.  

Here's a Knowledge Base article to reference from our i-Series interfaces if you run into that issue:

+1 vote
answered Mar 24, 2020 by gianlucamaiolo (320 points)
hello connecting the 24c to an ipad pro works without the external power supply (hub) or in any case it will be necessary to supply it with the current?
using the 24c with ipad, you can take lessons on skype / zoom platforms .....
thanks Gianluca
–1 vote
answered Mar 24, 2020 by gianlucamaiolo (320 points)
hello connecting the 24c to an ipad pro works without the external power supply (hub) or in any case it will be necessary to supply it with the current?
using the 24c with ipad, you can take lessons on skype / zoom platforms .....
thanks Gianluca
0 votes
answered Mar 24, 2020 by gianlucamaiolo (320 points)
hello connecting the 24c to an ipad pro works without the external power supply (hub) or in any case it will be necessary to supply it with the current?
using the 24c with ipad, you can take lessons on skype / zoom platforms .....
thanks Gianluca
0 votes
answered Mar 24, 2020 by gianlucamaiolo (320 points)
hello connecting the 24c to an ipad pro works without the external power supply (hub) or in any case it will be necessary to supply it with the current?
using the 24c with ipad, you can take lessons on skype / zoom platforms .....