Questions & Answers

Do I need a mic preamp if I have the Studiolive 24 series iii ??

0 votes
asked Jan 15, 2020 in StudioLive Series III by betoquint (120 points)
Hi everyone

I just got The Studiolive series iii

I wanna start recording but I wonder if I need to buy a mic preamp or would I be okay just using what the machine has, it’s supposed to have mic preamps right?


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 15, 2020 by wahlerstudios (105,350 points)
You don't need any external preamp. The preamps on board are very good, and you can control them in Studio One. There is a lot to learn, so here are two manuals, which provide basic information. You find the manuals on the download page of your mixer.

* Capture3_ReferenceManual_EN_25032019

* Studio_One_Integration_and_Quick_Start_for_StudioLive_Mixers_Reference_Manual_V2-EN_25032019

Have a look at the many videos PreSonus has published about Studio One. There have been 6 videos added just this week dealing with recording and DAW mode.