Questions & Answers

firestudio lightpipe dando clips durante gravação

0 votes
asked Jan 30, 2016 in FireStudio Series by Alécio Brazil (120 points)
tenho uma firestudio light pipe que é ligada a uma mesa digital yamaha O2r através de cabos ADAT e toda vez que mudo o sample rate para 48 khz fica dando uns clips e estalos e que nem dá pra gravar.
commented Mar 1, 2016 by mattcaprio (147,580 points)
From Google translate:

"I have a FireStudio light pipe which is connected to a Yamaha digital console O2R through ADAT cables and every time I change the sample rate to 48 khz is giving some clips and pops and that neither gives to record ."

1 Answer

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answered Apr 8, 2016 by butchrichard (131,350 points)
You may need to verify that your Sampling Rate is set to same on each device.  You may need to make either the FireStudio or the Yamaha the "Clock Master".