Questions & Answers

How to get playback into headphones from Garage Band

0 votes
asked Jan 30, 2016 in AudioBox USB by martinfalloon (150 points)
recategorized Feb 1, 2016 by mattcaprio
I bought a Presonus Audiobox 44VSL, I am trying to use it through garageband to begin with since i am familiar with is, while i familiarize myself with the Studio One 3 software. I can't get playback through the headphones that are plugged into Audiobox. I can hear my microphone, but can't get playback of backing audio track. I am using a MAC. i have changed output and input to 44VSL. Still nothing.



Please assist.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 1, 2016 by mattcaprio (147,580 points)
selected May 5, 2016 by mattcaprio
Best answer
Please see this article:


What operating system are you using?

The VSL units only work as class compliant on OSX 10.11. This, and the workaround, are explained in full in the article below: