Questions & Answers

Same Session but CPU usage increased

+4 votes
asked Jan 23, 2020 in Studio One 4 by simonemangialenti (350 points)
edited Jan 23, 2020 by simonemangialenti
Hi all,

it's the first time I need a support and I don't really understand if this is the right place where to ask.

I'm working on a session with about fifteen tracks, vst instruments opened (Superior Drummer and four Guitar Rig) and at least two plug-in on every track.

My problem is that within this session the load on the cpu increased up to 100% (making the daw unusable) in one night.

I did or changed anything. I closed the session, turn off the notebook, slept, worked, re-opened the session and TA DA!

I looked at which plug-in is consuming the most and the winners are: Superior Drummer and all the sessions of Guitar Rig.

Ok, I know I could turn the tracks processed with Superior and Guitar Rig into audio to reduce the load. But the problem remains... Why has the load on cpu increased if the conditions are the same? Could be a bug? A processor problem? Hardware problem? Audio interface that wants me angry?

I'm running Studio One 4.5 on an Acer Aspire VN7 591G with Windows 10 updated, Intel i7-4720HQ, 16 gb RAM, SSD 500 gb.
Audio interface: Focusrite Saffire 6 USB

Sorry for my bad english!

I hope you can help me, thanks in advance!

4 Answers

–1 vote
answered Jan 23, 2020 by robertgray3 (42,810 points)
Honestly it sounds like your block size / buffer size  got changed for your interface somehow. I’d go into your preferences and Audio Setup and see what it’s set to and if it is possibly too low.

For support you go to and file a ticket. Btw.
+2 votes
answered Jan 23, 2020 by simonemangialenti (350 points)

Hi Robert,

thanks for your answer.

I don't think it's a problem about buffer size. I've tried to increase the buffer size but nothing changes.

I've recorded in 48KHz 24 bit as the settings of the session.

The mistery is why now cpu is overload (permanent 100%) and yesterday was around 50%. With the same plug-ins, same settings, same all. I only shut down the notebook.

I thought to resolve without opening a ticket but I will do it.


0 votes
answered May 5, 2020 by t-mx (140 points)
Hi everybody,

I noticed the same thing today.
After reopening a session I created a few days ago, a part that played fine when working on it the last time causes the CPU usage reported by Studio One to reach 100% and the audio to be just ****.

The strange thing is that Windows Task Manager reports a CPU usage of only 33%.
So the system should have enough power reserves but Studio One doesn't use it.

As there was no Studio One update during the last days, it may have to do with a Windows Update.
Are there any known issues?

I'm using Studio One Win x64 (Built on Jan 16 2020) on Windows 10, Intel Core i7-4800MQ CPU at 2,7 GHz and 16 GB RAM.

Thank you!

0 votes
answered Aug 10, 2020 by natewilliams3 (260 points)
I'm having the sme exact issue. All my projects are spiking to 100% in studio one 5 and 4. Is there any solution to this ? Was it a Windows update issue ?