Questions & Answers

Beginner: Does a Korg M50 workstation and Studio One Artist 4.6 work well together?

0 votes
asked Jan 26, 2020 in Studio One 4 by garyschaff (520 points)
reshown Jan 29, 2020 by garyschaff

I'm in the process of buying a new (used) keyboard that feels simply great to play that I'm getting at a great price from the Guitar Center.  It's a Korg M50 (61 key). I'm beginning (yes, I'm a beginner) with Studio One Artist 4.6.  While I'm told that the Korg M50 is referred to as a workstation, I want to use it mostly (or just) as a keyboard going into Studio One; although it would still be nice to be able to use the Korg to control Studio One. In other words, I'm convinced the Korg is overkill for my purposes and the way I intend to work learning, and using Studio One (through a YouTube course).  I don't see a preset in Studio One for a Korg M50 (only Nanos). I've seen some guides about how to set it up manually, but all of the details and choices are overwhelming. (To Presonus: "is there a preset that I may be missing or is an equivalent of?"). 

My question is whether or not I should buy this Korg M50 if it's not going to play well (with minimum customization) with Studio One Artist 4.6?  I might use the Korg for composing and then maybe uploading to the DAW, but all I really need for it to do is to serve as a regular keyboard and maybe control some of Studio One's functions. 

Is this going to be difficult in light of my experience level? Am I making a "good" (best?) choice with the Korg?  I have an Akai MPK49, but I HATE the feel of the keyboard. Whereas I'm in love with  the feel of the Korg M50.  I've already  looked around on the  Prosonus and Korg's websties. Any help would be HIGHLY appreciated.   I need a savior here. :)   Thanks! //Gary

Here's my basic info as suggested when I came to ask this question:

  • Dell Inspiron 5548
  • Windows 10 64-bit
  • Artist 4.6
  • Presonus 96 interface
  • Will also use Akai MPK49 keyboard, if I don't really need keyboard action to be easy to play & navigate.

3 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jan 28, 2020 by ayansardar (160 points)
edited Jan 28, 2020 by ayansardar

Hi friend! Have you got  the Korg M50 Manual? I think there may be your answers. To download related manual follow this link:  and read the Editor Software manual at

0 votes
answered Jan 29, 2020 by garyschaff (520 points)
I had already downloaded & read the Korg M50 manual prior to posting this question.
0 votes
answered Mar 27, 2021 by maggierogan (140 points)
Hello, I have the same question.  I have Korg M-50 workstation and am considering purchasing Studio One 5 Artist.  I am also a beginner, but have learned that it can be challenging to have the M-50 work with all DAWs.  Did you get your M50 working with Studio One 5 Artist?