Questions & Answers

How to get my YAMAHA PSS-A50 midi keyboard work as an instrument?

+2 votes
asked Mar 22, 2020 in Studio One 4 by nadavyanai (140 points)
I want to use my Yamaha pss-a50 keyboard as an instrument on studio one 4 (pc)- the problem is that this keyboard only have a MIDI-USB exit - so i cannot connect it to Presouns Audio itwo as a-PL or a MIDI input.

is there any other way to use it as an instrument?

and another thing when i connnect it as a midi keyboard the sustain butoon (not paddle- this keyboard doesnt have a paddle) is not working- other buttons such the arpeggio is working just fine- anybody know how to fix it?

thanks in advance for the helpers:)

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 15, 2020 by markbergeron1 (140 points)
How to setup on my audiotex iTwo with components and have it work?
0 votes
answered Feb 6, 2021 by kellykrogman (290 points)

You need an audio interface (PreSonus makes lots) so you can connect the audio outputs of your keyboard into the inputs in the interface. Our friendly neighborhood Gregor explains in the following video: 

0 votes
answered Jun 10, 2021 by johnellard (3,150 points)
The easiest way is to use Bluetooth in Notion and on your keyboard, if it supports Bluetooth.