Questions & Answers

Live Looping Like FKJ

+2 votes
asked Jan 29, 2020 in Studio One 4 by jourdan11 (150 points)
I really want to get into live looping like FKJ, but Im not quite sure how to set up studio one to do so. I know a lot of people that do live looping use Ableton, but Im not going to switch DAWS. I have Studio One 4 Professional, and have the Atom controller. Should I get the Akai APC40, or can I control the software with my Atom?

It would be really cool if presonus came out with there own controller like the APC40.

Any help you could give would be appreciated :)


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 14, 2021 by marcelolavandeira (240 points)

I have the APC 40 but so far I only use it with Ableton Live since there is no documentation from Presonus in this regard (and from what I saw there are only 3 queries made by this control surface) So I would not recommend for Presonus Studio One this control surface but I am still investigating to come up with documentation regarding this midi control surface.
