Let's say I have a marker at bar 35, another at bar 57, and the cursor position is currently at bar 2.
With no markers selected, if I click the one at bar 57, it's now selected, but I am not taken to bar 2 (where the cursor is), nor does that bring the cursor to bar 57, even if I click it again now that it is selected. Now that 57 is selected, if I click on the one at bar 35, I am also not taken to Bar 2 nor does the cursor move to bar 35.
What your suggestion seems to be saying (correct me if I'm wrong) is that if the cursor is at bar 2, and I click a marker that's NOT selected, I will be taken to bar 2, but if the marker IS currently selected, nothing happens. The thing is, it doesn't matter whether a marker is currently selected or not, clicking it doesn't take me to the current cursor location, nor is the cursor brought to the marker location.
It's that confusing aspect of your suggestion that might be the reason it was voted down. I think that no matter what, a single click on a marker should bring the cursor to that marker's location. If that was your suggestion, I would up-vote it.